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Chyngton Primary School

Art and Design

Curriculum Intent

At Chyngton we teach art in order for children to creatively explore and develop successful techniques in a range of media. We aim to build children’s confidence and resilience to apply these skills to produce outcomes of which they are proud. This involves:

  • Observing, sketching and revising work
  • Developing and improving specific techniques
  • Learning about the work of artists and crafts people
  • Beginning to evaluate works of art using subject specific vocabulary

Progression Map

Year 1

Skill 1 - Drawing 

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To be able to draw from first hand observation
  • Be able to show increasing control using a variety of dry media
  • To investigate tone by drawing dark and light line patterns and shapes in pencil/ various fine lines
  • Use terms ‘shape, tone, texture and detail’
  • To be able to explore colour families, warm and cold colours
  • To be able to use colour mixing to create light and dark shades of primary colours
  • To be able to select and use a range of tools and objects (including paintbrushes) of various sizes to lay down paint with a sense of colour and pattern
  • Use terms ‘warm cold, primary colours’
  • To investigate and create texture using a range of dry media and materials (e.g fabrics and buttons)
  • To develop skills of cutting and tearing
  • To be able to join and construct recycled and manmade materials

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  • Create/ sketch/ design
  • Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  • Practise skills
  • Appreciate the work of an artist
  • Use an artist’s work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  • Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others


Year 2

Skill 1 - Drawing 

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To be able to use artefacts from another culture and use viewfinders to explore patterns
  • Use dry media to add colour to a monochrome print
  • To be able to draw with increasing skill from first hand observation including exploration of tone
  • Use the terms tone, monochrome and colour
  • To know the terms primary and secondary colours, tints and tones
  • Mix primary and secondary colours using tints and tones
  • To work on different scales using different tools and techniques
  • To be able to use clay and clay tools to create a model
  • To be able to create a print by using a repeating pattern (e.g. monoprinting)
  • To be able to use an increasing vocabulary of form, shape and space

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  1. Create/ sketch/ design
  2. Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  1. Practise skills
  2. Appreciate the work of an artist
  3. Use an artist’s work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  1. Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others

In Art, our year 2 children have started a project about boats. They have looked at the work of Hew Locke and J M W Turner as inspiration, and have produced some beautiful chalk and charcoal drawings in response.

They have focused on movement and atmosphere and have all made such a good job. Please have a look at the wonderful and unique range of work they completed. Well done year 2!

year 2 boat drawings.pdf


Year 3

Skill 1 - Drawing 

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To be able to draw an object from first hand observation and experiment with different grades of pencil and increasing detail
  • To be able to use perspective to create foreground and distance
  • Use the colour wheel to demonstrate increasing skill at mixing and matching colours in a painting
  • To be able to work on a variety of different scales
  • To be able to experiment with different effects and textures using a variety of media
  • To be able to manipulate shapes to create a given form (e.g. by folding tearing and crumpling)
  • To be able to develop skills of stitching, cutting and joining to create a textured surface

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  1. Create/ sketch/ design
  2. Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  1. Practise skills
  2. Appreciate the work of artists
  3. Use aspects of artists’ work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  1. Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others

Year 4

Skill 1 - Drawing 

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To use shading techniques to create a third dimension
  • Create tone using smudging techniques (e.g. using charcoal and pastels)
  • To use line and shape as a base for observational, figurative drawing
  • To use and apply specific colour language: tint, tone, shade and hue
  • To use different effects in paint such as washes to create shades of the same hue
  • To work with paint on a variety of scales with confidence
  • To refine impressed printing technique using polypress
  • To plan, design and make a model from observation and/or imagination (e.g. clay, model or recycled materials)

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  1. Create/ sketch/ design
  2. Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  1. Practise skills
  2. Appreciate the work of an artist
  3. Use aspects of artists’ work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  • Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others


Year 5

Skill 1 - Drawing

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To be able to use simple perspective in their work using a single focal point and horizon (vanishing point)
  • To be able to scale up and scale down using a grid
  • To be able to draw from observation using drawing skills of cross hatching and shading
  • To develop observational skills in drawing- to be able a self-portrait and understand the proportions of a face
  • Independently choose and use colour families for a particular purpose and effect
  • Independently select tools of different type and size with confidence for effect on a range of scales
  • To be able to mix colours accurately to produce shades and tints of hue
  • To independently use a range of techniques, such as tearing, overlapping and layering with increasing accuracy and purpose to create an effect
  • To explore textile techniques such including quilting, embroidery and bead work


(Digital/ computing: To be able to  use a digital camera to capture objects to be cut and pasted into another image to create a digital collage)

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  1. Create/ sketch/ design
  2. Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  1. Practise skills
  2. Appreciate the work of an artist
  3. Use aspects of artists’ work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  1. Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others


Year 6

Skill 1 - Drawing

Skill 2 - Painting

Skill 3 – Media

  • To use line, tone, pattern, form, colour and shape with confidence
  • Revise and refine drawings for purpose and effect
  • Independently select dry media for purpose and effect to produce a drawing from observation, explaining choices
  • To use appropriate equipment, paint and papers with increasing confidence and independence for purpose and effect
  • To use mouldable materials (e.g. Modroc, wire, papier mache) to create a 3D model with increasing confidence and independence
  • To be able to use a lino print and tools safely to create a layered print
  • (Digital/ computing: To use a graphics package to create and manipulate new images)

Combine the skills above with the artistic process below to create an outcome for each learning journey; (e.g. a painting, print, collage or mixed media outcomes)

  1. Create/ sketch/ design
  2. Edit and improve design
  • Learn and use correct technical vocabulary
  1. Practise skills
  2. Appreciate the work of an artist
  3. Use aspects of artists’ work to inspire children’s own work
  • Make choices to lead to final product(s)
  • Complete product
  1. Evaluate (briefly) in relation to others