Our Science Progression Map
Strand |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Term 1 |
Animals including humans: How do I sense? Autumn watch: Weather focus
Everyday materials: Why do we choose different materials for different uses?
Forces: What are forces?
Animals including humans: What do our bodies do with the food we eat?
Forces: How can we increase the impact of a force?
Light: How do we use light to see?
Forces: What can magnets do? |
Forces: How can we change the speed of an object?
Term 2 |
Animals including humans: What is an animal? Autumn watch: Animal focus |
Animals including humans/living things and their habitats: What do animals need to survive?
Living things and their habitats: How do living organisms within an environment affect each other?
Living things and their habitats: How unique are living organisms?
Light: How is light important?
Term 3 |
Everyday materials: What are materials? Winter watch: Plant/weather/animal focus |
Animals including humans: What is a life cycle?
Light: What are shadows?
Electricity: How does electricity work?
Earth and space: What is moving in the solar system?
Evolution and inheritance: How are living organisms adapted to their environments?
Animals including humans: How do animals’ bodies move and protect themselves? |
Term 4 |
Animals including humans: What do animals eat? Winter/Spring watch: Plant/weather/animal focus |
Living things and their habitats: Is there such thing as a perfect habitat?
Changing materials: Are all materials affected by temperature?
Animals including humans: How do our choices impact our bodies? |
Animals including humans: What are the nutrients we eat used for? |
Changing materials: Which changes to materials are not reversible?
Term 5 |
Plants: What is a plant?
Spring watch: plant/human focus |
Plants: What do plants need to begin their lives successfully?
Rocks and soils:
What are rocks and soils?
Sound: What is sound?
Electricity: How can we manipulate the effects of electricity?
Term 6 |
Working scientifically: How can we answer different questions? Summer watch: Plant/weather/ animal/ human focus
Working scientifically: We are zoo designers |
Plants: How do the different parts of plants help them to survive and reproduce? |
Living things and their habitats: How do life cycles differ?
Working scientifically: How do scientists work? Transition unit. |