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Chyngton Primary School


Keeping children safe at Chyngton is our highest priority. We work in many ways to achieve this: through our curriculum, our policies, our practices and through encouraging an open climate where the children can share any concerns they have. We have ‘worry boxes’ in the classrooms and the Sanctuary and in her role as Child Welfare and Parent Support Advisor, Ms Raven talks with many children, parents and carers.

If  you have any concerns regarding a child please speak to the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or a member of the safeguarding team. You can contact a member of the team by emailing: DSL@chyngton-primary.e-sussex.sch.uk


What to do if you have concerns

If there is a concern about the welfare of a child, school staff will report this to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Amy Clarke, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Robin Tollyfield, Mr Adam Nandhra and Ms Angela Raven.  It may be helpful for parents to know that the Local Authority requires schools to report any obvious or suspected case of child abuse – which includes non- accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. When possible and if appropriate, the school will discuss any concerns with you before taking the concern further. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that when there are grounds for suspicion it is better to be safe than sorry. This does mean that schools risk upsetting some parents by reporting a case, which, on investigation, proves unfounded. In such circumstances, it is hoped that parents, appreciating how difficult it is for schools to carry out this difficult responsibility, would accept that the school was acting in what were believed to be the child’s best interests.


NSPCC Childline:0800 1111

If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact their professional counsellors for help, advice and support, or email help@nspcc.org.uk. 0808 800 5000

Contacting the Single Point of Advice 01323 464222 (Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm) Out of hours, with serious concerns that can’t wait till the next working day, contact their Emergency Duty Service. 01273 335906 or 01273 335905 – (Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8.30am, after 4.30pm on Fridays, weekends and bank holidays). Or email 0–19.SPOA@eastsussex.gov.uk

School Policies and Procedures - For full details regarding our child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures please refer to the respective policies on our policies page and should be read alongside the https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education–2

Help and Advice 

Some online and other safeguarding resources can be found in below and others can be accessed from our Online Safety and Family wellbeing sections of the website.

Support services across Sussex  https://czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/health-safety-wellbeing/mental-health-emotional/support-services/

Early years information can be found at https://czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/early-years/info-for-parents/


All of these websites are really accessible and useful and provide help for adults and children, especially in light of Covid 19.





